29 Jan

Testimonial From a Patient who sought Treatment At The Liberia Eye Center/ JFK Medical Center.
Miss Annie (Not her real name) Mother noticed that her left eye looked different from the age of 6 months. She asked several people in her community, and all replied that ‘some children are born like that and they become alright with time.’ As time passed, the eye started looking worse, and the mother got alert.
Through a friend, she got to know about the eye clinic at the JFK hospital and decided to come here. After thorough examination, the doctors told her that the child had eye cancer in her left eye and needed a CT scan of the brain to check if it had spread to the brain.
The children’s doctors at the JFK administered 6 cycles of chemotherapy, which helped the tumour to shrink. Then, the eye surgeon removed the eye. After 2 months, they fitted an artificial eye to match with the other eye. The chemotherapy continues for another 6 months, and thus, 12 cycles of chemotherapy were completed.
Being an advanced cancer in a child from poor family, entire treatment was done at no charge to the family through combined efforts of the Liberia Eye Center- L V Prasad Eye Institute, JFK Medical Center and the famous philanthropist, Mr Upjit Singh Sachdeva.
Mr Sachdeva (popularly known as Mr Jeety Singh) generously supports the chemotherapy of children with eye cancers at the Liberia Eye Center. At the end of treatment, the mother says, ‘I don’t care if the doctors removed her eye, but I am happy that now she does not have eye pain and her life is saved. Even though the eye is removed, the artificial eye is serving good purpose to match with the other eye.. so overall, I am so happy for my daughter!’ Such complex treatments are now possible at the eye clinic of JFK Medical Center, and patients don't need to travel to other countries for treatment.

Testimonial From a Patient who sought Treatment At The Liberia Eye Center/ JFK Medical Center. Miss Annie (Not her real name) Mother noticed that her left eye looked different from the age of 6 month and all replied that ‘some children are born like that and they become alright with time.’ As time passed the eye started looking worse and the mother got alert. Through a friend she got to know about the eye clinic at the JFK hospital and decided to come here. After thorough examination the doctors told her that the child had eye cancer in her left eye and needed a CT scan of the brain to check if it had spread to the brain. The children’s doctors at the JFK administered 6 cycles which helped the tumour to shrink. Then the eye surgeon removed the eye. After 2 months they fitted an artificial eye to match with the other eye. The chemotherapy continues for another 6 months and thus 12 cycles of chemotherapy were completed. Being an advanced cancer in a child from poor family entire treatment was done at no charge to the family through combined efforts of the Liberia Eye Center- L V Prasad Eye Institute JFK Medical Center and the famous philanthropist Mr Upjit Singh Sachdeva. Mr Sachdeva (popularly known as Mr Jeety Singh) generously supports the chemotherapy of children with eye cancers at the Liberia Eye Center. At the end of treatment the mother says ‘I don’t care if the doctors removed her eye but I am happy that now she does not have eye pain and her life is saved. Even though the eye is removed the artificial eye is serving good purpose to match with the other eye.. so overall I am so happy for my daughter!’ Such complex treatments are now possible at the eye clinic of JFK Medical Center and patients don't need to travel to other countries for treatment.
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